Record internal content to create video reviews
Quick-Start Synopsis Take a minute to calculate the number of informational video conference calls you’ve attended over the last couple of weeks; examples include reviewing the key data presented...
Coaching to Improve Conversational Skills
Overall Training Challenge One of the workshops most frequently requested by Medical Affairs teams is some version of “Building Rapport with KOLs” or “Developing Long-Term KOL Relationships.” In those workshops, we...
What to do when KOLs engage in “motivated reasoning”
Quick-Start Synopsis Every MSL has a story (or several) of a KOL who, despite being repeatedly presented with new data, remained convinced that their outdated opinion was correct. How could the KOL maintain their viewpoint even when presented with robust,...
How to Demonstrate the Value of Medical Affairs to Your Stakeholders: Metrics and Industry Standards
What metrics does your MA group use to measure team performance and/or its impact on business objectives? Show the value of medical affairs.