Overall Training Challenge:
Medical Information departments from 2 pharmaceutical companies (one large and one small) wanted to update their current “walls-of-text” standard response letters (SRLs) to look and function more like infographics.
Because SRLs require a high level of legal and regulatory oversight, neither wanted to “re-invent the wheel” when it came to updating the SRLs.
Versant needed to find a way to creatively and compliantly replace the text with data visualizations without altering the information provided in each SRL.
After creating a design style with the client, we began the process of determining which parts of each SRL could and should be converted into graphics like diagrams, illustrations, icons, etc.
It’s easy to put data into a table or a figure. It’s harder to take a complex concept and transform it into a diagram that conveys the same information.
By adding line numbers to the original letters, we made the review process simple for the client and expedited the review process. Dozens of letters later, the Med Info departments now have updated, reader-friendly SRLs.