Overall Training Challenge: 

Medical Affairs teams need to be able to react quickly when new journal articles are published. The quick turnaround is especially important for new data about the disease state or a competitor. Building a complete and robust data story around new data requires hours to design. Visual annotations are needed to provide context and insights for the dry tables and charts from the manuscript. Medical Affairs teams often find it challenging to create content appropriate for the field medical team, especially within a shortened timeline. Rapid presentation creation is one area where Medical Affairs may not recognize the opportunity to engage with a solution provider for assistance.  


https://versantlearning.com/project/scientific-storytelling-covid-19-paper/(opens in a new tab)

Versant Learning Solutions have scientists on staff who can quickly read, dissect, organize, and develop content for the medical team. A Medical Affairs team can provide Versant with publications or an area for investigation, or a request to update content with newer data. Versant does the work to create the data story. If references and journal articles are needed as part of the project, Versant can provide curation services, research the topic to identify relevant journal articles, and even obtain copyright approvals.  

Escape mutations exist - mapped escape mutations - incomplete prior characterization of escape mutations - unexpected low cost on RBD affinity - Interpret future mutations

If the client wants to have specific graphics to highlight particular points in the narrative, Versant can create customized graphics. Additionally, Versant can utilize a corporate or departmental template or develop a new template.  

example slide - covid 19 target cell, receptor binding, spike and Ace2


  • Data review 
  • Data organization 
  • EndNote referenced materials 
  • Create the story from the data 
  • Create PowerPoint 
  • Ready for internal training or MLR review 


  • Highlighted articles 
  • An organized referenced document detailing all content, sources, and storyline 
  • PPT slide deck 
  • Detailed notes for the MSL team or talking points 
  • Train-the-trainer presentations illustrating how best to deliver the presentation or tailor it to specific audiences 

Contact Us for Your Presentation Needs 

Versant would be happy to discuss recurrent presentation needs. Versant can: 

  • Extend the team’s bandwidth by assisting on a project 
  • Create a stand-alone scientific presentation 
  • Collaborate on an ongoing basis 
  • Provide your team a new data presentation each month