Medical Affairs Learner Needs


Male in Medical Affairs


‘I want it to be relevant to my role in Medical Affairs and where I am in my professional development.’


Informal Training is needed for Medical Affairs


‘I enjoy workshops, but I need training options.  I am in the field and traveling and cannot always take time to take days out of the field to attend a workshop.’

Mark S., Executive Field Outcomes Liaison

Relevant to the Role

Sr MSL wants Relevance in the training - quoted


‘I am tired of seeing training content that is being recycled for medical affairs.  Our team has specific content needs.  It is bad enough on the irrelevant compliance training I have to do every few months.’


Mobile Training options are needed


‘I love taking time on a plane to get things done.  It would be nice to be able to do that for my training needs.  When material is behind the firewall, I cannot access it easily.’

Jessica M, Associate Director

Short & Sweet

Short and compact training required. Female outline quote.


‘It needs to be short and to the point.  I love data, but I just don’t have time for content that lasts for hours.  I don’t have the luxury of spending hours reading journal articles anymore.’

Point of Need

Training must be available when the MSL needs it


‘I would like to be able to quickly review key points I want to cover with a KOL before I go into the meeting.  Unfortunately, our systems are so clunky that it is not useful to me at my point of need.’

Jason R., Field MSL

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